Thursday, February 16, 2006

Text Adventures

PurpleDaisy1337: we are at a crossroads
Bokonon79: oh sure
PurpleDaisy1337: and those crossroads are necessitated by one thing
Bokonon79: paths lead north, east, and south
Bokonon79: there is a flask
Bokonon79: what will you do?
PurpleDaisy1337: er. can I kill the ogre?
Bokonon79: there is no ogre
PurpleDaisy1337: damn!
PurpleDaisy1337: I will drink!
Bokonon79: thou drinkest from ye flask
Bokonon79: thou hast died
PurpleDaisy1337: damn it
PurpleDaisy1337: do over!
Bokonon79: but thou has been revived as in immortal
PurpleDaisy1337: SCORE!
Bokonon79: you win!
PurpleDaisy1337: hurrah! now, to the north!
Bokonon79: you go north, but trip over ye flask

Monday, February 13, 2006

Relieving boredom, part XXVIII

d0wnwardsp1ral: i'm so bored
d0wnwardsp1ral: that i'm re-watching 24
Bokonon79: BORKED
d0wnwardsp1ral: hahahahaha
d0wnwardsp1ral: watchinng the ridiculousness of no cover survival again
d0wnwardsp1ral: HERE COMES THE AIR FORCE
d0wnwardsp1ral: OR THE MARINES
d0wnwardsp1ral: WHATEVER
d0wnwardsp1ral: i wonder if these actors ever feel ridiculous saying shit like
d0wnwardsp1ral: "Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel, we have hostile aircraft in vector bravo tango."
d0wnwardsp1ral: does that actually mean anything?
d0wnwardsp1ral: NICE
d0wnwardsp1ral: bonelle will like that one
Bokonon79: get the sigh
Bokonon79: and it shall be blogged
d0wnwardsp1ral: she's not on line, unfortunately
Bokonon79: DAMMIT
Bokonon79: how about this
Bokonon79: Bonelle: sigh
d0wnwardsp1ral: hahaha
d0wnwardsp1ral: works for me
Bokonon79: BLOGGED!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Personal Ads

Bokonon79: PurpleDaisy1337: you're basically martha stewart with 6 pack abs
Bokonon79: 6? who said 6? how about 12?
Bokonon79: or 18?
PurpleDaisy1337: pardon my saying, but 18 sounds a bit gross
Bokonon79: or how about 2^16 = 65536?
PurpleDaisy1337: dang
PurpleDaisy1337: tha'ts sort of scary
PurpleDaisy1337: a geek with abs
PurpleDaisy1337: see... THIS should be your match profile
Bokonon79: haha
Bokonon79: right
Bokonon79: I could really push the line
PurpleDaisy1337: you could!
Bokonon79: but I won't
Bokonon79: at least not in this IM window

Bokonon79:: YOUR BREASTS MUST HAVE A MINIMUM RADIUS OF 8 CM AND A VOLUME OF (4/3)(8 cm)^3 = 2144.659 cm^3
d0wnwardsp1ral: hahahahaha
d0wnwardsp1ral: dude
d0wnwardsp1ral: if i were a girl
d0wnwardsp1ral: i would totally respond to that
d0wnwardsp1ral: no matter what breasts looked like
Bokonon79:: I should post all of this to craigslist
Bokonon79:: and see what happens
d0wnwardsp1ral: you should
Bokonon79:: we can link to it from the blog
Bokonon79:: it would take a lot of burden off of Bonelle
d0wnwardsp1ral: HURRY UP

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Taken from the NPR Show "Fresh Air with Terry Gross" featuring an interview with Senator Joe Biden (D-Smellaware). Start listening at 20:36.

Not that we need to point out the obvious, but the note of confusion and uncertainty that enters Terry's voice at 20:50 is scientific proof that our blog was a primary source for her interview preparation, and therefore we are a reputable authority on the history of Supreme Court nominations, American democracy, and America and/or history in general... in addition to being the preeminent authority on the verb "to bork" its equivalents in other languages, of course.

What can we say, we're just awesome.